Sports Carnivals
At Sunnybank all students participate in two sporting carnivals in the calendar year.
Cross Country Carnival and Athletics Carnivals are scheduled to showcase and encourage students to compete and display sportsmanship to one another. Students aged 10 and up also use this opportunity to try and qualify for the Met East sporting trials.
Children are allocated to one of three sports houses.
Allunga – Yellow
Barkala – Green
Coolaroo – Red
These houses are used for junior and senior sports day and any interschool organised games. Students are asked to wear their house colours on selected days. The school hats are reversible with house colours.

Gala Days (Inter School Sport)
Inter-school sports Gala Days are held three times per semester for students turning 10 that year and older. All students are encouraged to participate. Students can choose from the sports available, which have previously included:
Semester one: Basketball, Soccer Boys, Soccer Girls and Soccer Mixed
Semester two: Boys & Girls Touch Football, Netball Girls, AFL Boys.
There is a cost for these days to cover buses, nomination fees and facilities hire.
Children are given a list of team sports to choose from each semester. At times children may not be able to participate in their first preference due to numbers required to form teams.