Sunnybank State School offers students in Year Five and Year Six the opportunity to attend a school camp in the last two years of primary school. We alternate between a bush and beach environment for our camps.
These camps are planned to help support the school curriculum and also to help the students develop personal skills and face challenges.
Parents have the opportunity to make partial payments in the terms leading up to the camping program.
Our school community encourages educational excursions and camps which broaden the learning experiences of our students.
The trips are closely linked to regular classroom instruction and utilise the community and regional resources as part of the curriculum.
Trips are well planned, supervised and conducted on locally operated buses, or private vehicles.
When children leave the school as a group on an educational trip, prior written permission from the parents is sought.
If parents are agreeable for their child to accompany their class on an excursion, they should sign the consent form and return it to the office by the advertised closing date.
Children who do not produce a written permission form from parents and / or do not pay by the due date will not be allowed to participate in the trip. Some excursions also include a non-refundable deposit.
Children are required to wear full school uniform, including hats and shoes.
Students who do not provide the parent permission form, do not pay the required fees, or are not approved by the Principal to attend, will be provided with alternative learning activities at school.