Prep 2025
Children born between 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020
At Sunnybank State School we are an Enrolment Managed School.
This means
if you live in our “catchment area”,
your enrolment is automatic into Sunnybank State School. Click on the Catchment Area Map to check that you live within our school's catchment area.
If you live outside of our catchment area, you will be able to submit an Enrolment Wait List Form to go on the waitlist for our school. Open the document and complete the relevant fields. Save a copy to your desktop and email this through to the Enrolments Officer at
Prep eligibility in 2025
- Children must be 5 on or before 30 June in the year they enrol in Prep.
- To determine if your child is eligible to enrol in Prep please view the Department's online calculator to determine when your child can commence their Prep year.
- A
Birth Certificate must be provided with the
Enrolment Application before the enrolment can be accepted.
- All new Prep families are required to meet with the Principal or Deputy Principal prior to your child commencing Prep.
When submitting enrolment forms, please come prepared with the correct documentation, otherwise the enrolment process cannot proceed.
For more information on enrolling at our school, contact the Enrolments Officer on (07) 3452 4888.
Prep interviews
Future students and their parents attend an enrolment interview in August.
Sunnybank Springers - Prep Transition Program
The 'Sunnybank Springers' program provides enrolled Prep 2025 students with the opportunity to visit a Prep classroom to get a first-hand experience of what 'big school' is like. Students spend an hour in the classroom experiencing Prep. Parents also get to know other parents during a workshop on a different topic each week. This special opportunity is only for children enrolled in Prep 2025 so, if you haven't yet enrolled your child, please see the ladies in our office as soon as possible.