If you are a new parent to the school, this information will assist you in making a decision as to whether you wish to participate in the SRS.
What is provided by the Queensland Government?
The Queensland Government supports children's education by providing funding for instruction (teachers), facilities (school grounds and buildings, internet), and administration (staff to run the school). Funding for schools does not extend to individual student resources such as textbooks, equipment for personal use, and many items used by the student in the classroom.
The SRS helps parents to source these resources. The school can purchase resources at lower rates due to its bulk buying power. Resources such as textbooks or musical instruments that will be used over a period of time are hired to students to further reduce costs for families. Participating in the SRS also offers a convenient way for parents to source the items that their child needs for school, and ensures that all students have access to the same standard of resources.
The types of resources that will be included are:
- Owned by the student – e.g. student diary – once provided, these items are retained by the student and used at their discretion.
- Hired to the student for a specific duration of time – e.g. textbooks or musical instruments these items will need to be returned to the school in reasonable condition at the end of the hire period or if the student leaves the school.
- Used in class – e.g. stationery, timber, material, workbooks – these items will be used in class. Finished products that are created from these resources will generally come home with the student.
The Fee and Cost of the SRS
Please refer to the attached booklist.
If you are not satisfied that the SRS fee represents good value for money based on the inclusions (over the page), you may choose not to participate in the SRS. If that is the case, please complete a new Participation Agreement Form, indicating that you no longer wish to participate. If you choose not to participate, you will be provided with a detailed list of resources that you will need to provide for the student.
Payment Method
Payment can be made via
- QParent / BPoint
- Centrepay Deduction
- EFTPOS or Cash
Financial Difficulty
If you would like to participate, but are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the school to arrange an appointment to discuss options. Any information that you provide will be confidential.
Release of resources
Resources will not be distributed until the full or first payment has been paid to the school. Any unpaid invoices, will be managed according to the department's Debt Management Procedure and may result in the student being excluded from the scheme and/or from participating in extra-curricular activities until payments are made.
Return of hired resources
A repair or replacement cost will be charged to the parent for any items that are damaged or not returned.
Contact us
If you have any queries regarding the SRS and its inclusions, please contact and arrange an appointment with the Administration Officer 3452 4888.