Extra-curricular Music
Our Music program provide children with a rich opportunity to learn and perform music at school and beyond. The programs are led by highly experienced and qualified music professionals.
A love of Music and a commitment to regular rehearsals and performances is expected.
Instrumental Music
Our school offers both a Strings and a Band Instrumental Music Program. Education Queensland Instrumental Music teachers visit the school for lessons in percussion, strings, brass and woodwind instruments. Our Instrumental Music Program includes a Strings Program starting in Year 3. Mrs Catherine Erbacher is the Strings teacher and she is here for two thirds of a day on Thursdays. Students from Year 3 - 6 can learn to play Violin, 'Cello or Viola.
On Wednesday mornings, we have a specialist teacher Mrs Vivienne Thomas here to teach Band Instrumental lessons. Students in Year 4 - 6 can learn to play Brass, Woodwind or Percussion instruments.
A variety of concert and performance opportunities are arranged to give students in the Strings Ensemble, School Band and Choir the chance to perform. These may include, Karawatha Music Camp and Beenleigh Eisteddfod.
The Instrumental Music teachers are funded by the State so parents do not have to pay tuition fees. There is a small charge to parents if students have their own instruments to cover the costs of sheet music for ensembles. If students don't have their own instrument a limited number of school ones are available for hire for the year (instrument levy charge applies).

Choir is organised by the class music specialist teacher each year depending on time allocation and the interest of students. Options may include choir groups at various levels. Rehearsals are held at lunch time.
- Junior Choir Prep - Year 2
- Senior Choir Year 3 - 6